16 Mar 2020
COVID-19 Update

16 March 2020
Good afternoon all,
Overnight, the Department of Education has released advice for schools to operate in accordance to the governments COVID-19 pandemic plan.
It is expected that if any students are unwell they remain at home and do not attend school. This may conflict with assessments for some students. To support this, all students adhering to this advice will be assisted with an appeal that will not require a doctor’s certificate. In these cases, please contact the school to advise that your student is absent due to respiratory illness and an appeal is required.
In line with this advice, Recess and lunch times have also been staggered for students. We will be cancelling all school assemblies, excursions that are overnight, out of Dubbo, to aged care facilities or sporting events. In addition Parent Teacher Evening next Tuesday 24 March is also cancelled. In lieu of the Parent Teacher Evening all staff will be completing a short progress report for all students. This will be emailed home and published on the parent portal as per the schools reporting process.
I will communicate any further information as it becomes available. In the meantime I seek your assistance in assuring students who are unwell with respiratory illness, remain home until symptoms resolve and, where appropriate, seek advice from a medical practitioner (call ahead first). The department has also asked if students present to school unwell that they are to be sent home.
Please follow the World Health Organisations recommended actions to clean your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water and cover your nose and mouth with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Debbie Head